1 in stock
Each boxed set contains: 24 plastic French infantry Metal command group (2 officers, standard bearer, and a drummer) Standard poles and finials Full colour background leaflet containing several flags. While we carried a limited stock of Warlord Games products in store we can order in anything from their range on request. Please contact the store to discuss if you wish to use this service.
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En avant! The cry went up in hundreds of French throats as the blue columns marched forward on the battlefields across Europe. The all conquering French line infantry ‘Les Bleus’ used a combination of massed columns, fast manoeuvre, and firepower to shatter the armies of Prussia, Austria, Spain and Russia, culminating in a death struggle against Wellington and Blucher’s alliance at Waterloo in 181…
1 in stock
In 1809, at the battle of Wagram, some Polish light horse fighting for Napoleon seized lances from Austrian Uhlan prisoners and used them with good effect. Impressed by their use, Bonaparte ordered nine regiments to be formed, six of them clothed in green and three in blue. With their nine-foot ash pole lances, red and white pennants, and topped off with gleaming brass classical helmets they cut q…