Tyranid Hive Tyrant / The Swarmlord
1 in stock
Commanders of the Tyranid swarm, Hive Tyrants are the enactors of the Hive Mind's will. Massively powerful creatures, every part of their body is perfectly created to maim and kill. The Hive Tyrant is an incredibly dynamic model, posed with monstrous, fibrous and ragged wings extended out wide and with only its serpent-like tail touching the ground, as if launching off into flight (or to pounce on…
Tyranids Genestealers
1 in stock
Genestealers are peerless predators, swift vanguard organisms armoured in chitinous plates and possessed of terrifying strength and agility. Their broods move far ahead of the Tyranid hive fleets, to seek out fresh feeding grounds and spread their insidious genetic infection amongst the defenders. When the invasion swarms finally descend, the Genestealers burst from hiding to begin the slaughter.…
Tyranids: Hive Guard
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Hive Guard are heavily armoured gun-beasts bound to extremely powerful symbiotic bio-weapons. They are created to guard the Tyranid Hive Ships and capillary towers that stand sentinel over prey worlds, until such time as intruders come within range of their deadly weapons. The Hive Guard can be armed with either an impaler cannon or shockcannon. There are enough weapons to arm the complete unit wi…
Tyranids: Venomthropes
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Venomthropes drift forward amidst miasmal clouds of spores that spew from within their bodies. Their whip-like tentacles drip with a multitude of alien poisons. Indeed, so potent are these toxins that it is believed that a Venomthrope's very touch means certain death. This kit builds three Venomthropes armed with toxic lashes. They can be built with a choice of three different heads and three diff…
Tyranids: Warriors
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Tyranid Warriors are the most adaptable of all the Hive Mind’s bioforms. They are efficient killing machines with the ability to employ a wide variety of bio-weapon symbiotes. On the battlefield they are found fighting in both close quarters and at long range, and form a vital link in the Tyranid swarm, acting as relays through which the Hive Tyrants issue their commands. The Tyranid Warrior model…